Christian Living · · 5 min read

Dads, How to Talk About the Gospel When Your Kids Are Young

Dads, How to Talk About the Gospel When Your Kids Are Young - Father Abraham

Here is the deal. You get married. Your wife gets pregnant. A baby is born one day, and your life will change completely. This fat blob takes up space in your living room, and everything seems manageable. Then, one day, the fat blob moves around, and things suddenly become interesting.

In the next phase, the fat blob, your child moves around and gets into your business. Ok, not a big deal. I can handle this 20-pound meat popsicle rummaging through my tools and personal stuff. Funnily enough, everyone around you, including yourself, encourages the meat popsicle to talk.

Booh booh, daah dah! Wait a minute now; my kid is throwing around half-baked words, and if I didn't know better, I would arrest him for intoxication. Little buggers are making up words that make no sense. But they are so cute, right? Especially since it is your kid, and having an heir that calls you dad is pretty awesome.

Suddenly, this thought begins to take shape in your mind. If kids are learning how to talk, what does this mean? How does this change things? What will we talk about? What do I need to talk about? If you are a believer, you know that you, as the parent, are your child's primary educator and teacher.

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:4

Boom! Do you like apples, son? God is pretty clear on how men ought to live. We must obey him and glorify him in all things. You and I cannot escape this command and must abide by it with a joyful heart.

Here, that sound? That's Larry backing up the cement truck and is about to crush you with another truth.

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6

How does a Dad talk to a toddler who is maybe two years old or younger and introduce them to the topic of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Now it's easy to say well, I will wait till they're older. Maybe you want to wait until you feel comfortable talking about the gospel when you think they can comprehend this subject. I encourage you to lay aside this thinking and start talking to your little children today.

When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Mark 10:14

Again, clear instructions. Obey God. Share the good news of the gospel as soon as you can. Don't wait. Don't delay. Some might be wondering, but I have questions because I wasn't taught how to introduce the gospel to a kid. You might have questions such as.

How much do you tell them? What do you tell them? Will it be confusing when you start talking about this stuff with a child with the attention span of a goldfish? What are the essentials that I need to share? How do you describe Jesus Christ?

Let me lend you a helping hand. I, too, struggled with this challenge. But now that I have two little children and a third on the way, I am happy to share some tips on approaching this with your toddlers and little ones.

I want to inform you of some wholesome children's picture books that helped me instruct my children and share the gospel's good news.

Big Sky Life Books sells a book collection called Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers: Helping Little Minds Grasp God's Greatness. This book collection is a tool to help you introduce valuable and essential questions about the gospel.

Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers: Helping Little Minds Grasp God's Greatness

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I would pull out these books weekly and read them to my kids. As I read the books, I asked my kids to repeat God, Jesus, sin, and the cross. I wanted them to know these words as soon as possible. This is important because they can start connecting the words with the topics over time.

What's great about these books is that every page contains a Bible verse you can look up and review. Maybe you have an older child who can look up the Bible verses, or you want to look them up yourself to get grounded in the scripture on the gospel topic. It's also a reminder that although these children's picture books are beneficial, ultimately, we want to steer our kids to the Bible.

My view on children's books has evolved over the past year. I've written about how to guard the hearts and minds of our children here. Wholesome children's books are tools that fathers can use to help tackle important topics. Yes, these books will never replace the bible because all of our children should be reading it when they reach an age when they can do that. But when it comes to wholesome children's books, they are tools in our arsenal to combat the enemy in this war ⚔️. Every guy understands that there is a specific tool for every job. Books are no different. Different books help you accomplish other tasks.

Guys, can I encourage you to be faithful in teaching your kids the gospel, even at a young age? When you tackle the gospel topic early, it puts your kids on the path to being disciples. Use the book collection Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers: Helping Little Minds Grasp God's Greatness as a tool in your role as the primary educator of your children.

This book collection will be a valuable tool for you. I hope you will be inspired to take your role as head of the family seriously and introduce the gospel to your children at a very young age. If you are a Grandpa, you are perfectly positioned to talk about the gospel's good news. Please don't take it too easy. You want your grandkids saved, don't you?

Next Steps - Visit - Big Sky Life Books

Visit the Big Sky Life Books online bookstore. We sell wholesome books for children. Start with Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers: Helping Little Minds Grasp God's Greatness. Shipping is free in the United States. Start reading and share the gospel's good news with your kids or grandkids.

Stay well, brothers.

~ FA

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